

24.11.2021 12:06

Take a look at Dynatect's European Headquarters with our new video.



30.09.2020 13:01

The machine protection expert Dynatect has brought together the companies Steinbock GmbH and Thodacon Werkzeugmaschinenbau GmbH at one location.

02.03.2020 15:49

The Dynatect Group has taken over Thodacon Werkzeugmaschinenschutz GmbH and Steinbock GmbH as part of its expansion strategy.

18.10.2018 23:23

Polyclutch slip clutches enable controlled slipping

18.10.2018 23:23

Lightning-fast security doors with photoeye sensor for separating safety-relevant activities in the production process.


We stand for protection and safety for man and machine

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