Moulded Bellows

Moulded Bellows are used wherever shafts, spindles, joints or guide posts need to be protected from dust, dirt or liquids.
As their name implies, these bellows are vulcanized in a custom-made mould for their intended use.

Moulded bellows are absolutely tight.

Moulded Bellows

Dynatect offers more than 500 different sizes of bellows which are available from stock. In our catalog "Moulded Bellows" you will find find all available dimensions for the bellows.


Features and benefits:

Our bellows are available in more than 500 different sizes ex stock. In our catalog "Moulded Bellows" you can find all possible dimensions for the bellows.

If the bellows you need should not be among them, we will make them custom specific according to your drawing or sample.

Our inquiry forms (online or PDF)  are designed to help you provide all the information that is important for the design of the bellows needed. Please fill in the form of your choice and send it to us. You will get an immediate offer!


You can find a selection of molded bellows also in our online shop.


Inquiry Form

Please save the PDF forms on your PC first and then open them with Acrobat Reader. Opening the form directly in the Internet browser can suppress the form function.

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