Rubber Disk Bellows

DYNATECT Rubber Disk Bellows/ Flex Bellows are manufactured in Germany - either on a single-piece or small-batch basis - without mould or tooling costs. These bellows are dust- and liquid-proof and have excellent dimensional stability.

Rubber Disk Bellows

In the construction of rubber disk bellows, individual disks are punched out, stacked and moulded on their insides and outsides. This ensures an extremely small compressed length. Before delivery, these bellows are ground, giving them an attractive exterior.

Features and benefits:

  • They are suitable for vertical, horizontal and diagonal use. Depending on length and use we employ guide bushings, supporting disks or wire rings for stabilization.
  • Since these integral bellows are absolutely air-tight, special air-flow measures are required.
  • On request, we will provide suitable ventilation openings.

Classical mounting variations:

collar, flange, collar with flange, pot flange or other mounting configurations.


Smallest inside diameter = 20 mm, our largest outside diameter = 400 mm.

Typical Applications:

  • In mechanical engineering
  • For protection of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders
  • On ball screws and trapezoid spindles
  • On piston rods and guides
  • At measuring machines, etc.

Please use our PDF form to provide all information that is needed for designing the bellows needed.


Inquiry Form

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