Sewn Bellows

Sewn bellows are made of elastomer-coated fabric, stitched with nylon or specialty thread. Due to this process Dynatect can manufacture them custom-specific in almost any shape or size.

Depending on the customer requirements DYNATECT offers a wide range of fabrics for selection e.g. Buna/Nylon, CSM/Nylon, Neoprene/Nylon or silicone-coated fiberglass.


Sewn Bellows

Sewn bellows are even in low quantities economical und offer a perfect low cost protection from dust, dirt and other contaminants.

Usually they are used to protect way and linear rail covers or for pneumatic and hydraulic cylinder covers or in various production environments to protect parts from flying sparks, dust, sand or high ambient temperatures


  • Zip fasteners
  • Air vents
  • Wire rings
  • Coil springs



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